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Revista Ciencia y Cultura

Print version ISSN 2077-3323


CASTRO HUECHE, Rodrigo. Contemporary Mapuche Art: Mapuchization of the Piece of Furniture of Colonial Design. Rev Cien Cult [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.47, pp.131-155. ISSN 2077-3323.

My production of artistic work addresses the representations of the Mapuche culture. Taking private memory as an axis, I design, elaborate and arrange the traces of family history, and represent it in domestic furniture. Under a hybrid gaze, I deconstruct inherited furniture and repair what a historical trauma has installed in the community. The piece of furniture acts as a witness to vulnerability, its measure is the human scale and its function, a metaphor for the everyday, the home or the living space. A place that has been transforming from modernization processes.

Keywords : art mapuche identity; hybrid; mapuchization; furniture.

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