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vol.24 número45Parámetros tipológicos del tejido de Tarabuco: la prenda para vestir luto aqsuTejido en escena: bastidores y montaje de los centros de tejido para turistas de Chinchero, Cuzco índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Ciencia y Cultura

versión impresa ISSN 2077-3323


SANTISTEBAN-D., Nathalie. Weavings and Rituals in Highland Communities of Cuzco. Rev Cien Cult [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.45, pp.127-155. ISSN 2077-3323.

In the Andean towns of Peru, the rituals have a fundamental roll inside social, cultural, economic, political and ethnic life. Inside this ritual context, the weaves unkhuña, missa unkhuña and poncho play a role fundamental. In this opportunity, I'm interested to show to the use of weaves inside the ceremonies of incentive the fecundity and the reproduction of the llamas and alpacas, walqanchi (to put the necklace to the alpacas) y qaqatarpay (to make reach to the ray), in the societies of the shepherds of the center town of Santa Barbara of the region of Cuzco (Peru). The ceremonies of fertility have a objective to reach the well-being after his animal like for them.

Palabras clave : Andes; Cuzco; pastor; alpaca; weaves; unkhuña; poncho; ritual; fertility; duality.

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