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Revista Ciencia y Cultura
versión impresa ISSN 2077-3323
GRACIA LANDAETA, Oscar. State, Nation and Borders: Resignification of the Space and Conception of Bolivian Territorial Limit (XVIII and XIX Centuries). Rev Cien Cult [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.44, pp.9-35. ISSN 2077-3323.
The essay proposes an integral and historical reflection about the emergence and development of the borders of Bolivia. For this, the border is studied in a political sense, but also from the "experiential", as part of the popular ratification of an "imagined community". To arrive at this point, the text first constructs a general interpretation of the modern sense of border, studying its meaning in relation to the deployment of the modern State and nations since the 16th century.
Palabras clave : State; nation; border; territory; imaginary.