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Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico
versión impresa ISSN 2074-4706versión On-line ISSN 2309-9038
BUSTOS ANAYA, Paul S.. Economic Activities in Bolivia: a linkages analysis. rlde [online]. 2011, n.16, pp.39-56. ISSN 2074-4706.
This paper explores the relation between activities in the Bolivian economy as suppliers and demanders of intermediate inputs, this with the purpose to determine which activities have great impact on the rest of the economy and which ones are less integrated. For this, Rasmussen indexes are used, that allow classifying them as independent, push, pull and key activities; this with the help of the input/output matrix. The results, based on 2008 data, show a little integrated economy, which is divided in 35 activities. There are no key activities, 8 activities are considered strategic and only trade is considered a pull sector. Something outstanding about the results is that trade generates great dynamism in the rest of activities through its indirect effects on transportation, more than because of its direct demand of inputs.
Palabras clave : Rasmussen index; key activity; strategic activity; activity trails; independent activity; scattering power; sensitivity scattering; scatter; input/output matrix.