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Revista Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Económico
versión impresa ISSN 2074-4706versión On-line ISSN 2309-9038
ANDERSEN, Lykke E.; CHRISTENSEN, Bent Jesper y DELGADILLO, Claudia. Movilidad laboral en Bolivia: una comparación entre empleados de los sectores público y privado. rlde [online]. 2005, n.5, suppl.1, pp.43-63. ISSN 2074-4706.
This paper estimates structural parameters of both a simple and an extended job separation model with the purpose of understanding constraints in the labor market in Bolivia. The results confirm the hypothesis that skilled labor is a scarce commodity in Bolivia, while unskilled labor is abundantly available. This implies that skilled employees shop around for alternative employment opportunities and quit their jobs when a better opportunity arises. The quit rate among skilled employees in the prívate sector is much higher than the quit rate among skilled employees in the public sector The reverse is true for the lay-off rate, and together this suggests that the prívate sector has difficulties maintaining its skilled labor. The results suggest that the public sector in Bolivia, inflated by high levéis of foreign aid (about 10 per cent of GDP), may be detracting scarce human resources from local productive sectors, potentially jeopardizing the opportunity for sustainable development.