Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society
versión On-line ISSN 2072-9294
VALVERDE-LUCIO, Yhony et al. Biostimulants: An innovation in agriculture for coffee cultivation (Coffea arabica L). J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.1, pp.18-28. ISSN 2072-9294.
The research was carried out in Jipijapa in the town of Andil, the objective was to evaluate the physiological and morphological behavior of Arabic coffee in the nursery stage to the application of biostimulants: Starlite, Humega, Micorriza and Evergreen, compared to Urea. The experimental design was applied completely at random, factorial arrangement of repetitions over time in the morphological variables was used, the Tukey test was applied based on the statistical differences found. The results obtained at the physiological level, established a significant difference p <0.05 in the variables dry matter, humidity and nitrogen (N), with the biostimulants Starlite and Evergreen being the best in MS, and to the Humega and Evergreen in content of N. There was a better response to the assimilation of chlorophyll by all biostimulants, generally exceeding urea, being the best Micorriza and Starlite, establishing a high positive correlation between N and Chlorophyll. Regarding morphological development, a better urea response was found, and at the level of biostimulants, Humega and Mycorrhiza expressed better results, all between 90 and 120 days.
Palabras clave : Dry matter; physiology; morphology; chlorophyll; nitrogen; correlation; measurements over time.