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Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society

versión On-line ISSN 2072-9294


IGNACIO-DE LA CRUZ, Juan Luis et al. Soil impacted by 90000 ppm of waste motor oil: biostimulation and phytoremediation. J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. [online]. 2019, vol.10, n.2, pp.86-95. ISSN 2072-9294.

Abstract In México any soil polluted by 90000 ppm waste motor oil (WMO), this concentration is over the maximun acepted of 4400 ppm by regulation law called as a NOM-138-SEMARNAT / SSA1-2003 (NOM-138), 9000 ppm of WMO is causing soils fertility decreasing. An alternative solution is biostimulation (BIS) by detergent following by mineral solution then. Subsequently the BIS by H2O2 as a supplier of O2 and a crude fungi extract containing lacease able to hydrolyze aromatic of WMO, then by Phaseolus vulgarís as a green manure to reduce WMO; concluding by phytoremediation (PHYTO) with Cicer aretinum The objectives of this research were: i) BIS of soil contaminated by 90000 ppm of WMO ii) PHYTO by C. aretinum with Micromonospora echinospora and Penicillium chrysogenumlo decrease WMO at lower concentration valué than the máximum accepted by NOM-138. In sense at soil's, variable-response of BIS was initial and final concentration of WMO by Soxhlet, at the PHYTO, phenology and biomass of C. aretinum were taken at seedling. The experimental data were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey HSD P <0.05%. Results showed that BIS and PHYTO of soil impacted by 90000 ppm of WMO decreased until 1200 ppm numerical valué statistically different compared to 79000 ppm of soil polluted by WMO, without BIS and either PHYTO or negative control. Those results showed that BIS and PHYTO are an effective technique for recovering soil polluting by relative high level of WMO according to NOM-138.

Palabras clave : Soil; WMO; biostimulation; phytoremediation; C. arietinum; M. echinospora; P. chrysogenum; mineralization; coometabolism; NOM-138.

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