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Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society
On-line version ISSN 2072-9294
RODRIGUEZ-HERNANDEZ, Adán Israel; DE LEON-ELIZONDO, Mariana and ALVAREZ-CARDONA, Aristóteles. Patterns of feeding in the first year of life and its relationship with the appearance of allergies in patients from 1 to 4 years of age. J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. [online]. 2019, vol.10, n.1, pp.52-61. ISSN 2072-9294.
Abstract The onset of allergies and their clinical course depend on different factors such as hereditary background, environment, food, the latter has been an axis of controversy from one country to another in terms of feeding guides in the first year of life. The objective was to evalúate the frequency of different feeding patterns in the first year of life and its relationship with the presence of allergy, to propose recommendations for complementary feeding. A structured interview (validated by a test match, retest) was applied to 168 patients older than 1 year and younger than 4 years. All children who had an allergy diagnosis were included in their clinical history with or without a hereditary history of allergy, these data were concentrated in the electronic clinical record of the care center, and they were corroborated in the structured interview. The high prevalence of heredofamilial background factors for the development of allergy (60.45%), presence of allergies (66%), and atopic dermatitis (17.1%) rhinitis (20.8%). The main milk-predisposing predisposing antecedents were exclusive breastfeeding less than 4 months (37.7%), early onset of ablation in under 6 months (31.42%), introduction of whole milk before year (12%). Through statistical analysis, the correlation between the consumption of different food allergens or milk feeding patterns with the appearance of allergies for several predisposing factors with statistical significance of R>=0.3, as well as a risk predictive factor for dermatitis obtained by means of a Múltiple linear regression model, statistical significance of p=<0.0013 Anova and r=0.77, Durbin-Watson 1.48.
Keywords : Food allergens; lacto-alimentary patterns; heredity family history; complementary feeding.