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Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society
On-line version ISSN 2072-9294
GARCIA-ESPEJO, Cielo Noemí; MAMANI-MAMANI, Marisel Mercedes; CHAVEZ-LIZARRAGA, Georgina Aurelia and ALVAREZ-ALIAGA, María Teresa. Evaluation of the enzymatic activity of Trichoderma inhamatum (BOL-12QD) as possible biocontroller. J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.1, pp.20-32. ISSN 2072-9294.
It is known that Trichoderma spp. acts as a natural biocontroller of pathogen fungi, is for this reason, that this research studies the potential of its hydrolytic enzyme activity. In this article, first we determined that the speed of growth of Trichoderma inhamatum cepa BOL-12QD is 9 hours. Later, we proposed a simple and sensitive method based in the use of basal media (BM) with coloidal chitin as the only carbon resource and supplemented with bromocresol purple for the qualitative determination of chitinase activity. On the other hand, it was determined the celullolytic and proteolytic activities of Trichoderma inhamatum cepa BOL-12QD and it was observed that agitation, type and concentration of sustrate are determinant factors in enzymatic production. Then, we evaluated the cellulolytic activity of Trichoderma inhamatum cepa BOL-12QD in agitation and stationary using carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) as sustrate, finding that using a 2% of sustrate the highest activity is registered at 8 days of incubation in agitation with a value of 99.23 IU/L. In relation to the results at stationary the optimal value is at the fourth day with a value of 92.76 IU/L. The protease activity it was determined taking in consideration variables of agitation and stationary, using different types and concentration of sustrate at 2%, 4% y 6% (w/v) of meat extract, 1%, 3%, 5% (w/v) of jelly and 1%, 2%, 4% (w/v) of casein. The highest protease activity was obtained at the end of the seventh day with an enzymatic activity of 3075.45 IU/L at stationary using a concentration of 6% (w/v) of meat extract, and using jelly at 3% (w/v) at stationary it was found an activity of 568.36 IU/L on the tenth day and in agitation a value of 547.27 IU/L was reached on the twelveth day, while using casein at 1% (w/v) at stationary an activity of 407.06 IU/L is reached in the fifth day, and in agitation at 4% (w/v) of casein a value of 547.27 IU/L is obtained on the twelfth day, while using casein at 1% (w/v) in stationary an activity of 407.06 IU/L is reached on the fifth day, and in agitation at 4% (w/v) of casein in the ninth day a value of 269.88 IU/L is reached. The high activity of these enzymes made of Trichoderma inhamatum cepa BOL-12QD an biocontroller because of their enzymatic properties along a number of biological mechanisms.
Keywords : Trichoderma; chitinolytic activity; cellulolytic activity; proteolytic activity.