Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society
versión On-line ISSN 2072-9294
CADIMA, Ximena; VERAMENDI, Silene y GABRIEL, Julio. Using simple sequence repeats molecular markers to analyze the genetic diversity of potato landraces from Bolivia. J. Selva Andina Res. Soc. [online]. 2013, vol.4, n.1, pp.18-30. ISSN 2072-9294.
Bolivia has a huge diversity of cultivated potato and its wild relatives for being part of the center of origin of this crop; however, that genetic diversity in the Bolivian potato collection is not well known, preventing its more efficient use. With the aim to better understand the collection diversity, a study was conducted using a set of 22 simple sequence repeats (SSR) for molecular characterization of six species of cultivated potato: Solanum tuberosum Subsp. andigena (991accessions), S. x ajanhuiri (56 accessions), S. x curtilobum (78 accessions), S. x juzepczukii (116 accessions), S. stenotomum (228 accessions) and S. goniocalyx (7 accessions). Results show that genetic diversity varíes with the species, presenting from highest to lowest diversity to Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena, S. stenotomum, S. x curtilobum, S. x juzepczukii, S. x ajanhuiri and S. goniocalyx. Based on molecular data, about 60 potentially duplícate accessions were also found and SSRs STM 5114, STG0010, STM 0037 and STM1104 were identified as the most polymorphic, with PIC valúes from 0.74, 0.73, 0.72 and 0.69, respectively.
Palabras clave : Accessions; genetic diversity; simple sequence sepeats; species; duplicates.