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Fides et Ratio - Revista de Difusión cultural y científica de la Universidad La Salle en Bolivia

versión On-line ISSN 2071-081X


PABON ORTIZ¹, Ana Daniela. The institutionalization of political parties.: What is and how is measured?. Fides Et Ratio [online]. 2016, vol.11, n.11, pp.109-123. ISSN 2071-081X.

The institutionalization of political parties determines how they become important actors in the channeling of political demands and in the process of improving the stability and governability of a democratic State. But, what is exactly the institutionalization? And how does the level of institutionalization can be measured in a party system? This article aims at answering these two questions. On one hand, it will provide the concept of institutionalization and on the other, it will discuss the main parameters employed in its measurement. To accomplish this, the article will review the topic and clarify the status of the issue, revising the most relevant literature on the subject.

Palabras clave : Institutionalization; political parties; politics; institutions; indicators; democracy.

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