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Fides et Ratio - Revista de Difusión cultural y científica de la Universidad La Salle en Bolivia

versión On-line ISSN 2071-081X


PANIAGUA GONZALES, María Nela R. Thinking about other approaches to education. Fides Et Ratio [online]. 2016, vol.11, n.11, pp.87-99. ISSN 2071-081X.

From the neuropsicopedagogical approach that takes contributions of neuroscience and cognitive science, aimed at improving educational processes. This is an article of critical reflection of the educational system that standardizes and homogenizes diluting the wonderful human diversity on traditional methodologies that do not consider nothing but reason, logic and analysis. Currently neuroscience shows cognitive intelligences, emotional and executive at the same level. The experience in education makes visible other human characteristics that actually promote personal fulfillment that have other dimensions besides the academic. Life experiences, as the ones mentioned in the article, show the failure of some students in an unfair educational system, and indicate the need for new approaches in education.

Palabras clave : Emotional intelligence; cognitive intelligence; executive intelligence; homogenizing education; educator; essence.

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