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Fides et Ratio - Revista de Difusión cultural y científica de la Universidad La Salle en Bolivia

versión On-line ISSN 2071-081X


CHACON CARRANZA, Rodrigo Fernando; EXENI HANDAL, Andrea; MENDIETA JORDAN, Sdenka  y  OCAMPO CRESPO, Walter Guido. First aid in accidents of works, ¿Absence of legislation or implementation?. Fides Et Ratio [online]. 2016, vol.11, n.11, pp.55-74. ISSN 2071-081X.

Construction sites are a potential risk and danger to workers, workers each year are exposed to accidents that result in injuries, ranging from minor to serious and even death. The implementation of security measures is directly related to the prevention of accidents and the correct procedure to safeguard the lives of workers. In our country the law is weak and therefore the procedures are not fully clear, a situation that invites to appreciate the need to implement a better regulation and appropriate use of the procedures in case of accidents at work.

Palabras clave : Accidents; Construction; Legislation; Danger; Prevention; Procedures; Regulations; Security; Worker; Life.

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