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Iuris Tantum Revista Boliviana de Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 2070-8157


ANGELONE, Marco. The italian regulation of "network contract". essenti al elements of content.. Rev. Bol. Der. [online]. 2015, n.20, pp.346-367. ISSN 2070-8157.

Once demonstrated the non-imperative nature of the constraints of "form-content" imposed by the Italian regulation of Network Contract introduced by article 3, comma 4 ter, l. no. 33 of 2009, this paper proposes to verify if the standard contents demanded by legislator are all equally indefectible. The conclusion is thatthe Network Contract must indicate only the "characterizing" elements, in that they are instrumental for the registration in the Business Register and for the subsequent administrative control which the agreement is subjected to access to the law benefits. On the contrary, the omission of other legal requisites which are not appropriate for defining the contractual pattern under the causal and objective profile does notgenerally bring about invalidating consequences.

Palabras clave : Network contract; legal requisites; essential elements of content..

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