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Iuris Tantum Revista Boliviana de Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 2070-8157


RODRIGUEZ WEIL, Eduardo. EL REBUS SIC STANTIBUS EN LA CONTRATACIÓN INTERNACIONAL. Rev. Bol. Der. [online]. 2013, n.16, pp.42-63. ISSN 2070-8157.

After being forgotten in the I9th century, the rebus sic stantibus doctrine was rescued during the 20th century, when it became necessary to restore the contract's balance when it suffered alterations because of unforeseen events. At the present time, rebus sic stantibus is enforced on plenty nationals systems of law and in international commerce law, where it is considered a general principle of law and a part of lex mercatoria. Also, it is very useful when it is applied in contracts dealing with politically unstable countries with weak legal systems, on which it is more likely that the occurrence of these unforeseen events will disturb the contract obligations.

Palabras clave : Good faith; international commercial contract; lex mercatoria; pacta sunt servanda; general principles of law; rebus sic stantibus.

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