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Revista Integra Educativa
versión On-line ISSN 1997-4043
LAGO MARTINEZ, Silvia. Young people, technologies and school. Rev. de Inv. Educ. [online]. 2014, vol.7, n.3, pp.5-20. ISSN 1997-4043.
La relación entre educación, jóvenes y tecnologías es una de las problemáticas sociales en debate permanente en la Argentina de los últimos años, sin embargo aún resta mucho por analizar y evaluar sobre la presencia creciente de las tecnologías digitales en la vida de niños y jóvenes. Based on such evidence, this article proposes to provide elements for understanding the phenomenon delving into school and social lives of young people with the massive influx of portable computers and the Internet at school, from the implementation of a public policy of inclusion digital, the Equal Connect Programme. This is a glimpse from the narrative of students uses, adaptations and forms of appropriation of digital technologies, the emergence of new expectations and motivations and the construction of imaginary about the digital world. The questions that run this text revolve around what place of technologies in the context of school life of young people; What changes occurring in their relationships; what are the expectations and perceptions of change in the make and school environment; what social imaginary and perceptions occur in relation to the ECP and digital inclusion. Moreover, the course covers the text is that although the massive incorporation of computers in the schools has led to changes in the use of digital technologies, adolescents perform a practical and symbolic appropriation by different technological capital, gender, age and socio-cultural belonging.
Palabras clave : Education; digital technologies; young people; educational policies.