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Revista Integra Educativa
versión On-line ISSN 1997-4043
MORA, David. Research Methodologies in migration Studies. Rev. de Inv. Educ. [online]. 2013, vol.6, n.1, pp.13-42. ISSN 1997-4043.
The phenomenon of migrations is as ancient as the very existence of human beings on planet earth. Nonetheless, in recent decades, we can witness significant movements of people in almost any country of the world. Migration studies in our time thus constitute a topic that demands political and scientific attention, calling for the need to develop more in-depth research and a continued discussion based in data, information and sufficiently broad categories that allow us to understand the national and international migration reality. In light of these explanations, which have an intradisciplinary character as they depend on the scientific social and human disciplines as a basis of migration studies, we also consider it necessary to develop an appropriate methodology that addresses research in both directions. The fundamental idea of the present subject consists in developing a research methodology that addresses the theories and practices of migration in its different forms.
Palabras clave : Migration; studies; methodologies; research; interdisciplinary; migration structures.