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Revista Perspectivas

versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733


SORIA GALVARRO GUERRA, Jose Ricardo  y  ARAUZ CRUZ, Gustavo. Tesla‘s success a reality or a bubble? finance and economic narratives. Perspectivas [online]. 2021, n.48, pp.99-118.  Epub 01-Nov-2021. ISSN 1994-3733.

This research presents evidence from an analysis based on behavioral finance and economic narratives that Tesla Motors presents an over-value in the price of its share. It was observed that Tesla investors have confidence biases and overreacts to news and stories about the company, thus triggering the value of the share at high and maintained prices, thus challenging the efficient market hypothesis. Two important questions are answered in relation to the fundamentals on which the value of the share is sustained and whether Tesla’s investor behavior is rational or irrational.


G14, G41

Palabras clave : Behavioral finance; Economic narratives; Cognitive Bias.

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