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Revista Perspectivas

versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733


ZAPANA CASTILLO, Paola Consuelo. The preference of the attributes of a snack in La Paz Bolivia. Perspectivas [online]. 2021, n.47, pp.73-94. ISSN 1994-3733.

This work seeks to establish which product attribute of the snacks sector is preferred at the time of purchase. The research methodologically chose to collect primary data from a consumer market segment in order to determine the preferred attribute according to their perception. In second instance, the data collected was processed in the SPSS application. A factor analysis was carried out to reduce the variables of the study, identifying three main components that are related to three attributes of the products, which were called visual attributes, informative attributes and physical attributes. The study shows that the variables related to the brand, label and packaging are the factors preferred by consumers when making a purchase.

Palabras clave : Product attribute; consumer's preference.

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