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Revista Perspectivas

versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733


GOYZUETA RIVERA, Samuel Israel  y  POMA CHUQUIMIA, Adhemar Marco. Impact factors of e-learning in students of Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo Regional Cochabamba. Perspectivas [online]. 2021, n.47, pp.33-72. ISSN 1994-3733.

The general purpose of this study is to identify the factors that have the main impact on e-learning in students at Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Regional Cochabamba (UCBS-CBA). To achieve this goal, it was analyzed the relationship between the theoretical constructs of Davis' Technology acceptance model (1985) and Ajzen's Theory of planned behavior (1991). It was surveyed a total of 742 undergraduate students of UCBSP-CBA; the results of this survey were analyzed by the structural equation technique PLS-SEM, which helped to give answer the hypotheses stated. The results showed that behavioral control, perceived utility and subjective norm have a positive impact on e-learning adoption, while attitude has a negative impact on it.

Palabras clave : e-learning; higher education; structural equation modeling; PLS.

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