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Revista Perspectivas

versión On-line ISSN 1994-3733


DE MIGUEL BARRADO, Vanessa  y  PRIETO BALLESTER, Jorge Manuel. The workplace harassment as determining factor in business productivity: the Spanish case. Perspectivas [online]. 2016, n.38, pp.25-44. ISSN 1994-3733.

The workplace harassment or mobbing is a psychosocial risk, generated in the field of interpersonal relations of business organizations, that noted a remarkable increase in recent years. Its consequences are devastating, not only for the victim but also for the company, which experienced a significant reduction in productivity. In addition, the sectors that are most affected by this phenomenon are those relating to the services sector, in which dealing with third parties outside the organization is continuous. Also is are differences with regard to the variable socio-demographic, being the sex female and them people greater of 55 years them workers that more threatened is come by this figure. We present an analysis of the concept and the effects of mobbing in the company and in society. Conclusion in this study the importance of a "efecto-caso-cause" dynamic in time which may affect any worker and need of measures allowing the Elimination of a phenomenon that is increasingly present in the current world of work.

Palabras clave : workplace harassment; mobbing; occupational health; psychosocial risk.

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