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 número33Clasificación socioeconómica de los municipios de BoliviaIndicadores Macroeconómicos y Macrosociales desde la Perspectiva de la Seguridad Alimentaria en Bolivia (1985-2012) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Perspectivas

versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733


MURILLO, José Salazar. Bolivia: impact of variables relatedon economic growth and variables related to environmental risks in GDP per capita.. Perspectivas [online]. 2014, n.33, pp.57-103. ISSN 1994-3733.

In this research work was presented an econometric analysis that proposes a theoretical model of exogenous and endogenous growth, which prescribes the effects of variables related on economic growth and natural disasters in the income per capita. Currently, the public investment in agro-ecological and environmental risk prevention are fundamental in the sustainable economic development of a country. As a result, constitutes an effective means to achieve the objectives of well-being, development and sustained andpermanent growth in time.

Palabras clave : economic growth; public investment; environmental risks.

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