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 número33El microcrédito: Perspectiva perceptual de los usuariosBolivia: incidencia de variables relacionadas al crecimiento económico y variables relativas a riesgos medioambientales en el PIB per cápita. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Perspectivas

versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733


DANTE AYAVIRI, Nina. Socio-economic classification of the municipalities of Bolivia. Perspectivas [online]. 2014, n.33, pp.29-55. ISSN 1994-3733.

This article applies multivariate Cluster analysis techniques to create homogeneous clusters of municipalities in Bolivia. The purpose of this classification is to identify common demographic and socio-economic aspects of the municipalities as a starting point in the design and implementation of development policies in the municipal area. Another tool is the evaluation or measurement of municipal efficiency is a requirement to have homogeneous groups. He is the set of municipalities of Bolivia reporte dinancial information with respect to the budget ofthe initiative highly indebted poor countries (HIPCII), budgets for the implementation of social projects and development. The study is carried out from the point of view of the management and the law on administrative decentralization, establishing as a rule, the search for a good administration and use of financial resources. The variables used are number of inhabitants, proportion of urban population and index of unsatisfied basic needs. The results identified six cluster with different socio-economic aspects. Three of them have a strong rural character with high rates of poverty.

Palabras clave : Analysis of clusters; municipalities; efficiency; productive investment.

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