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Revista Perspectivas

versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733


COCA CARASILA, Andrés Milton. The Microcredit: User 's Perceptual Perspective. Perspectivas [online]. 2014, n.33, pp.7-28. ISSN 1994-3733.

Over the last decade, many economists have been concerned with investigating the topic of microfinance, specially the microcredit, with the aim to determine its impact on poverty. In this regard, the positions are still found among those who advocate for its positive contribution to the development and others who maintain the contrary. In contrast to the above, in this study are intended to determine the user perceptions of microcredit, considering its attributes, which are offered in Cochabamba- Bolivia. For this purpose, is done through a qualitative and a quantitative research, by applying a correspondence analysis and cluster analysis; constructing a perceptual map for services and their attributes, including a dendrogram that shows the formation of groups or segments. The results of this investigation allow knowing from the perspective of users, the positive ornegative effect with microcredit obtained

Palabras clave : Microfinance; Microcredit; Perceptions.

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