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Revista Perspectivas
versión impresa ISSN 1994-3733
OSVALDO WALTER, Gutiérrez Andrade. Pobreza y mercado de trabajo infantil en Bolivia y Cochabamba. Perspectivas [online]. 2012, n.29, pp.30-68. ISSN 1994-3733.
Child labor in Bolivia is one of the most disturbing realities today. The world of children and teenagers who work is less visible than other areas of the labor market and overall economy. This research aimed to understand what are the child labor market characteristics in Cochabamba and under which conditions this labor is inserted into the regional economic structure. It also addressed, through interviews and focus groups' perceptions about child labor, children themselves, parents and directors of institutions working with this population. The main objective of this study was to provide descriptive elements to generate a typology of child labor in Cochabamba and test a methodology that could be applied later, inside the country and in other cities or urban areas of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Palabras clave : Poverty; Child Labor; Socioeconomic status; Labor market.