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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica
versión impresa ISSN 1817-7433versión On-line ISSN 2220-2234
VARAHABHATLA, Vamsi; JUG, Juraj; PRKAčIN, Ingrid y LOVRIć BENčIć, Martina. MEDICATION, NOCTURNAL DIPPING PROFILE AND HYPERTENSIVE EMERGENCY. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2022, vol.25, n.1, pp.34-41. Epub 31-Sep-2022. ISSN 1817-7433.
The aim of this study was to analyze the medication used by the patients with hypertensive crisis (blood pressure above l80/l20mmHg) and its impact on the main risk factors for hypertensive emergency development.
A total of 233 patients (108 male, 125 female), 184 had hypertensive urgency/ 53 emergency (54.44% /50.95% in women) at the Emergency department during 11 months. Patients were divided in five age groups as decades starting from the age of 40 (mean 65.85 years) and a total ten groups depending on which type of hypertensive medication they were using (ACEi, ARB, BB, CCB, diuretics, moxonidine, and their combinations).
By using antihypertensive monotherapy percentage of hypertensive emergencies were 100.00%, 50.00%, 41.66%, 33.33%, 21.05%. Using ACEi + CCB + diuretic significantly decreased the number of emergencies to 0%, 18.47%, 21.05%, 25.00%, 33.33%; but adding beta blocker additionally diminished the risk. Overall 53 patients had no medication (22.75%) and 68 of 233 patients were smokers (29.18%, 63.23% male) of which 36 patients had hypertensive emergency (52.94% of smokers). The biggest number of non-dippers was found in patients who took ARBs, diuretics and/or CCB but the smallest number was shown in patients who took ACEi in combination with moxonidine (-20.07%). 22.02% of smokers were non-dippers (-54.67% nonsmokers). Odds ratio for getting hypertensive emergency in case patient had a non-dipper profile was 4.18 (CI 1.02 - 18.89, p < 0.05). Patients taking different medication (or none) did not have increased chance for hypertensive emergency development (OR 1.21, p = NS). We didn’t find any differences in the non-dipping profile incidence between genders (72.12% males, 72.83% females).
Combinations of all antihypertensive medication showed benefit over monotherapy. Higher 24-hour and nighttime blood pressure (non-dipping profile) was significantly associated with greater change for developing hypertensive emergency.
Palabras clave : Emergency; Hypertension.