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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica

Print version ISSN 2077-3323


LOCK VARGAS, Yatsen et al. PSOAS ABSCESS. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2018, vol.21, n.1, pp.113-117. ISSN 2077-3323.

Psoas abscess is a relatively rare disease. Many cases present atypical clinical features. Psoas abscess may be primary in immunosuppressed patients or secondary to gastrointestinal and genitourinary infections. In non-developed countries most of these can be of tuberculous etiology. A high clinical suspicion, a good clinical history and imaging studies can be useful in diagnosing the disease. Early treatment with antibiotics, guided drainage or open surgery is necessary due to its high morbidity and mortality. It's reported the case of a male patient of 57 years with a history of diabetes mellitus (DM) of 20 years of evolution, who referred pain in the left lumbar region associated with increased volume and intermittent fever, so he is hospitalized, detecting an extensive left psoas abscess which is drained by open surgery with extraperitoneal approach, showing favorable evolution.

Keywords : Psoas abscess; Psoas muscles; Low back pain.

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