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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica

Print version ISSN 2077-3323


JAIME CLAUDIO, Villarroel Salinas; TORRICO GONZALES, Maria Mercedes; CANCHARI CORRALES, Boris Rudy  and  ZAMBRANA PEREDO, Omar Stward. Anus-rectal melanoma (primary rectal), Case report. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2016, vol.19, n.2, pp.55-59. ISSN 2077-3323.

Melanoma is a globally recognized aggressive neoplasm, but the recto-anal localization is infrequent and accounts for less than 1 % of colorectal malignant tumors, usually accompanied by a dissociated diagnosis. Although rare, its incidence has increased over time, has a poor prognosis in the long term and to date there are several protocols of treatment not yet agreed. Because this is an uncommon and little described pathology in the middle, it presents the case of an anorectal or rectal-anal melanoma, emphasizing its microscopic characteristics and the appropriate treatment, it is a male patient of 52 years old, with A distal distal tumor, submitted to abdominoperineal resection (Miles operation), with good postoperative evolution. The definitive histopathological result indicated little differentiated invasive malignant neoplasia with solid patterns, pseudoglandular and diffuse nests, surgical borders free of lesions and without metastasis positive lymph nodes.

Keywords : Rectal neoplasm; Melanoma; Anus neoplasms.

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