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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica

Print version ISSN 2077-3323


ARIAS ROJAS, Valentina; GIMENEZ ORTIGOZA, Víctor Daniel; GUATO VILLALBA, Hugo  and  GARCIA VILLALBA, Horacio. Risk factors audiological medical students evaluated otoacoustic emissions. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2015, vol.18, n.2, pp.28-31. ISSN 2077-3323.

The relationship between hearing and neuropsychological development is well established. Hearing loss associated with language impairment and developmental difficulties, no previous similar work in medical students in addition to limited research in adults. The objective is to audiological risk factors in medical students and the presence of hearing impairment by otoacoustic emissions. A descriptive observational study with cross-sectional analytical components was conducted. The universe a sample of 22 students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Asuncion in August of 2014, data were collected through a survey of exposure to risk factors was estimated audiological. The main risk factors found were: frequent places with loud music (63.6%) and the use of headphones for two or more hours (63.6%). 90.9% of students knew the harmful effects of exposure to loud noise.The results of otoacoustic emissions: in the right ear, 13.6% (3) in the left ear and 4.5% (1) did not pass the signal emitted .It found significant association between audiological and hearing loud music (p alteration <0.05) and found no significant association of alteration audiological with the use of headphones (p> 0.05). It was found that high percentage of students aware of the harmful effects of noise on the individual, despite their listening habits which put them in a risk group of progressive hearing loss as a limitation of the study highlight the small sample.

Keywords : Risk Factors; Hearing Loss; Students Medical; Hearing Tests.

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