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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica
versión impresa ISSN 1817-7433versión On-line ISSN 2220-2234
ROMERO-VALENZUELA, Alvaro Carlos; GUZMAN ALBA, Vladimir F.; ARAMAYO ANDULCE, Mario y ALVAREZ FUENTES, Fernando. Preliminary Analysis of Factors Influencing Pregnancy Rates in Intrauterine Insemination at CIES Clinic. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2014, vol.17, n.2, pp.23-27. ISSN 1817-7433.
Intrauterine Insemination is one of the most commonly used therapeutic modalities in fertility. Nevertheless, the pregnancy rate using this technique is related to many variables. In this preliminary analysis it was considered different variables in order to determinate predictors of pregnancy rate. Those variables were female age, number of pre-ovulatory follicles, dominant follicle size, thickness of the endometrium and sperm count of grade A sperms, which according to studies are the most important variables for intrauterine insemination. The results showed that our overall pregnancy rate per cycle was 7.5% and no multiple pregnancies were recorded.The high pregnancy rate per cycle was observed between couples with a progressive motility spermatozoa [PR] count above 20.1x106 [25%] after sperm preparation techniques, with a women age of 35 - 39 years old [11.1%] and 39-42 years old [14.3%] and an endometrial thickness between 8.1-10 mm [13%]. In conclusion, we observed that the pregnancy rate is greatest when the size of dominant follicle is larger [>20mm], endometrial thickness is more than 8mm and the number of progressive spermatozoa grade A is more than 20 million.
Palabras clave : Intrauterine Insemination; Pregnancy Rate; Prognosis.