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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica
versión impresa ISSN 1817-7433versión On-line ISSN 2220-2234
HURTADO SANCHEZ, Clara Amparo; CARTAGENA TRIVENO, Doris y EROSTEGUI REVILLA, Carlos Pedro. Evaluation of the glycemic response post-intake coca leaf (Erythroxylum coca) in people without metabolic pathologic background. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.1, pp.20-24. ISSN 1817-7433.
Considering the veracity of the benefits of coca leaf (Erythroxylum coca), this study aims to evaluate the glycemicresponse post ingestion of coca leaf in people without metabolic pathologic background. It was used an experimental field trial type study. In a population of 345 people from the Military Academy Army of Sergeants in Cochabamba - Bolivia, 90 male people of 18 to 25 years old were selected with no medical history, normal anthropometric measures normal glucose on of 60 to 100 mg/dl.The sample was divided in a control group post-intake mate of 5 gr. coca and a post-chewing group 5 gr. coca leaf during an oral glucose tolerance test assessed by fasting capillary blood glucose two hours postprandial. It has been analyzed the mean, standard deviation and test student t. Most important result was: In the control group a postprandial glycemic of 100.4 (± 1 1.9) mg / dl (p = 2.129), the coca tea group was 81.8 (± 7.5) mg / dl (p = 0.003), group the chewing coca leaf was 82.07 (± 8.8) mg / dl (p = 0.082). It was been concluded that Coca (Erythroxylon coca) reduces postprandial glycemic in people without metabolic pathologic background, and it's statistically significant in the two ways of cultural consumption in the compering groups.
Palabras clave : Coca leaf; Coca Erythroxylon; Glycemia; oral glucose tolerance test.