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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica

Print version ISSN 1817-7433On-line version ISSN 2220-2234


ALARCON CHAMBI, Melisa Ivón; AGUILAR HUARITA, Rodrigo Winder; ALEJO SOLIZ, Cruz Miriam  and  GUTIERREZ MENDEZ, José Enrique. Risk factors associated with diabetic nephropathy in hemodialysis patients admitted in Viedma Hospital fince January 2006 until January 2012. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2012, vol.15, n.2, pp.12-17. ISSN 1817-7433.

Diabetic nephropathy is the leading chronic complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus, today is considered a disease of high social, economic cost and income leading cause of dialysis in the world. Our overall goal is to understand the risk factors that influence the progression to diabetic nephropathy in patients admitted in the Viedma Hospital hemodialysis. We performed a descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study, where the universe was 1314 patients that were admitted to the hemodialysis, with a sample of 81 patients. For this study the required data were collected from medical records, records of hemodialysis sessions and also used a questionnaire designed for data collection. Among the risk factors in the development of diabetic nephropathy, noted: absence of statin use 88%, and 70% ARA, missed medical controls 86%, 84% sedentary, occasional alcohol consumption 69%, and poor compliance 67%. We conclude that the data presented demonstrate inadequate care for patients in early stages of diabetes, a reference to the late nephrologist requiring emergency dialysis. During the dialysis period, shows a poor glycemic control and blood pressure, all associated with a very high morbimortalidad comparing them to other pacients with cronic nephopathye, showing that it is very important that the levels of blood pressure, glucose and lipids should be aggressively treated.

Keywords : Diabetic Nefropathy; Risk Factors; Hemodialysis.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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