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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica

Print version ISSN 1817-7433On-line version ISSN 2220-2234


DE ACHA TORREZ, Rafael. Pancreatic Transplantation and Lanngerhans Islets Approaches in the Treatment of Diabetes. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2011, vol.14, n.1, pp.31-35. ISSN 1817-7433.

Diabetes is a disease with a huge world-wide mean, the objective of a long time therapy, in patients with some limitation with the conventional exogenous therapy are to improve life quality with a sure lasting normoglicemia. Pancreas transplant or pancreatic islets which are promissory on this go. That's why we focus on techniques, history and future perspectives are of a huge interest on many areas, as the surgery, endocrinology, internal medicine and finally and more important patients life, various cardiovascular, metabolic and ophthalmological diseases among others.

Keywords : Transplant; Pancreas; Diabetes Treatment.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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