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Revista Científica Ciencia Médica
versión impresa ISSN 1817-7433versión On-line ISSN 2220-2234
BELLOT ROCHA, Fabiana Andrea; CAHUANA SANTAMARIA, Nancy Heidy; AYALA QUINTANILLA, Edson y VARGAS LORONO, Efrain. Nutritional Condition and its Relation with the Relative Structure-Function in Minors Gives 5 Years of Pediatrics, National Box Health 2009. Rev Cient Cienc Méd [online]. 2010, vol.13, n.1, pp.22-24. ISSN 1817-7433.
The present work is a transverse and descriptive type where there will be described as general aim the factors and characteristics of the structure and familiar function that influence in the nutritional condition in 5-year-old minors hospitalized in the service of pediatrics Working Hospital (H.O.) N ° 2. National Box of Health (C.N.S.). 2009. In turn between the specific aims we find ourselves Describing the familiar function and familiar structure and relating with the nutritional condition, and To evaluate the nutritional condition of the population in study according to weight and height. Our results show that 54 % of the children in its entirety presents a nutritional suitable condition, of which 61 % comes from normo-functional families and the remaining one 39 % comes from dysfunctional families. In relation to the familiar structure 50 % belongs to complete nuclear families of the same way the remaining 50 % belongs to nuclear disintegrated families; but also it was possible to observe that 24 % of children have under weight and 22 % have overweight with a remaining of 54 % with normo-peso. Therefore we conclude that a high percentage of children have normo-functional families, and they come from complete nuclear families. According to the nutritional condition more than 50 % is eutrofic children but even children exist with un-derweight whose numbers are equal to them with children that have overweight. Relating the nutritional condition the majority of eutrofic children belong to normo-functional families as the children with overweight.
Palabras clave : Nutritional state; nuclear family; desnutrition.