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Punto Cero
versão impressa ISSN 1815-0276versão On-line ISSN 2224-8838
FLORES MERUVIA, Ernesto. the mistery of identity: a literary and essay review of the book silences of the name by william jonny aguilar Pérez (Manuel escarcha polvorín). Punto Cero [online]. 2023, vol.28, n.47, pp.126-131. Epub 01-Dez-2023. ISSN 1815-0276.
This article is a review, in a literary and essay tone, of the book Silencios del nombre (Silences of the Name) by the Bolivian poet William Jonny Aguilar Pérez (Manuel Escarcha Polvorín). The objectives are to announce the collection of poems and examine it in certain fragments through a free and own interpretation, to point out some of its general values and, in general, propose a specific reading of the work.
Palavras-chave : Silences of the Name; Bolivian poetry; Latín American poetry; Manuel Escarcha Polvorín; William Jonny Aguilar Pérez..