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Punto Cero
versión impresa ISSN 1815-0276versión On-line ISSN 2224-8838
ARROYO-CONCALVES, Carlos M. et al. VIOLENT OR HATEFUL EXPRESSIONS GENERATED AROUND THE RESIGNATION OF EVO MORALES. Punto Cero [online]. 2023, vol.28, n.46, pp.65-75. Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 1815-0276.
The paper will observe as a case study the public debate that was generated in digital social networks during the conflicts experienced after the 2019 national elections in Bolivia. The main objective is to classify the violent or hate expressions present in the most significant interactions on digital social networks generated around the resignation of Evo Morales on November 10, 2019.
The political and social confrontation that lasted 21 days originated from the denunciation of an alleged electoral fraud (OAS, 2019). Citizens became polarized defending their both in the streets and in social networks. Bolivia was divided between “masistas” (who accused a coup and defended the former president) and “pititas” (who denounced electoral fraud and demanded the departure of Evo Morales). Two years later, the tension persists and is in polarized, often violent interactions that seek to impose the fraud vs. the coup discourse.
The paper proposes an empirical study based on the observation of the phenomenon on Twitter. The type of study is descriptive with a mixed methodology. Collection techniques were used in digital social networks, data mining, semantic network analysis and cluster classification.
Palabras clave : Cyber hate; social upheaval; violent communication.