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Punto Cero
versión impresa ISSN 1815-0276versión On-line ISSN 2224-8838
Volveré para regar el campo1: El movimiento de los migrantes transnacionales bolivianos y su participación en procesos de transformación productiva en la región de origen. Estudio de caso: Familias migrantes transnacionales y producción de durazno en la Tercera Sección de la provincia Esteban Arze del departamento de Cochabamba, Bolivia. Punto Cero [online]. 2006, vol.11, n.13, pp.07-16. ISSN 1815-0276.
Abstract This article summarizes the reports of two research studies conducted focusing on the following main objectives: to describe the transnational migration phenomenon of Bolivia from the perspective of the emergence of a social movement and, subsequently, to explain its influence on non-traditional production processes that over the past fifteen years have contributed to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life in the Third Section of the Esteban Arze Province in the Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Peach production plays the leading role in the non-traditional activities mentioned. The empirical phase of the methodological strategy applied in the research, mainly structured in qualitative techniques, thus unfolded with families participating in transnational migration social networks, on the one hand, and with peach producing families, on the other hand. These families set out their cycles and structures in the context of transnational social spaces (TSS) and, in using this space, the total scope of the life-world seems to cut free from the notion of country understood as a sealed geographic recipient. This particular continuity of a community of sentiment seems to sustain itself on social and production practices which, for their own success, depend -as Levitt points out- on solid adscriptions across the different poles of the transnational valley.
Palabras clave : social mobility; transmigration; development; communicational practices.