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vol.16 número2EVALUACIÓN DEL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE PACIENTES ONCO-HEMATOLÓGICOS índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Médica La Paz

versión On-line ISSN 1726-8958


VERA CARRASCO, Oscar et al. EARLY MEDIASTINAL CHORIOCARCINOMA: A REPORT CASE. Rev. Méd. La Paz [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.2, pp.34-38. ISSN 1726-8958.

Primitive mediastinal choriocarcinoma is extremely rare entity, with developments that can be fatal in most patients. A case of a 37-year-old, who attends the National Institute Emergency Chest with right chest pain, nonproductive cough and bleeding transvaginal, whose chest radiograph shows a radiopaque image with edge not well defined and paracardiac right infraclavicular region, as well as pleural effusion. Chest CT shows this same image in the upper mediastinum and right chest. After study and attempt to identify the tumor, without result indicated underwent surgical exploration and resection of it. The final pathological diagnosis was a choriocarcinoma. However the genital bleeding, gynecological studies have ruled out involvement by this tumor pathology. Although this disease is very rare and difficult to establish a standardized treatment for localized disease appears to be useful surgical resection followed by chemotherapy, with high survival can be achieved.

Palabras clave : Choriocarcinoma; mediastinum; treatment.

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