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Revista Médica La Paz
versión On-line ISSN 1726-8958
URQUIZO, Guillermo y URIBE, Diva. PULMONARY HYPERTENSIÓN ASSOCIATED WITH GRAVES BASEDOW DISEASE. Rev. Méd. La Paz [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.1, pp.42-44. ISSN 1726-8958.
The association between lung hypertension and hyperthyroidism is known for a lot of time. However it is not recognized in our means as cause of hemodynamic failure in patient with Graves-Basedow. We present the case of a 33 year-old patient, hospitalized in the Hospital de Clinicas de La Paz, whose consultation reason was progressive dysnea, associated to fatigue, lost of weight and growing sensation of weakness. Inside the clinical exam signs of thyroid hyperfunction were evidenced corroborated by complementary exams. I call the attention the cardiac clinical signology that presented, being evidenced by clinic and complementary test a very severe pulmonary hypertension . Established the treatment of the base pathology, that is to say the hyperthyroidism, is evidenty in short time a great improvement of the cardiac clinic, associated to the improvement of the square of thyroid hyperfunctión.
Palabras clave : Graves Basedow; hyperthyroidism; pulmonary hypertension.