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Acta Nova

On-line version ISSN 1683-0789


ZURITA SANTILLAN, Araceli; KOLLER CLAURE, Adriana  and  ZABALAGA DAVILA, Rosa. Amaranth oil extraction using Soxhlet and assisted extraction of Ultrasound. RevActaNova. [online]. 2021, vol.10, n.2, pp.246-255.  Epub Nov 31, 2021. ISSN 1683-0789.

The present investigation analyzes and compares the yields of the extraction of amaranth oil by means of Soxhlet extraction and assisted extraction of Ultrasound. First the amaranth grain grown in Bolivia was characterized and a general composition was obtained, where the moisture, ash, fat, protein and carbohydrate content were 9,39%, 3,91%, 11,20%, 19,8% and 55,73% respectively. Within the results of the oil extractions the yields obtained were 13,09%, 1,27%, 4,43% and 3,45% for Soxhlet, Ultrasound, Soxhlet-Ultrasound and Ultrasound- Soxhlet respectively. Finally, the characterization of the amaranth oil obtained in the extractions trials allows to conclude that the oil obtained presents an acceptable quality.

Keywords : amaranth oil; Soxhlet; assisted extraction of Ultrasound; performance; characterization.

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