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Acta Nova

On-line version ISSN 1683-0789


RENDON, Adriana; SMITH-RAMIREZ, Cecilia  and  HERBAS, Estela. Guidelines to a Proposal of Ecological Restoration for High Mountain Andes Forests Degraded in San Miguel, National Park Tunari (Cochabamba, Bolivia). RevActaNova. [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.4, pp.536-551. ISSN 1683-0789.

San Miguel is a Quechua speaking community inside the National Park Tunari (PNT), Cochabamba, Bolivia. Inside exists remnants of the native forest of Polylepis subtusalbida (Kewiña, Rosaceae). This formation has been affected by human use and replaced by Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus, exotic species well known to be harmful for the ecosystem. Therefore, in this work we propose the recuperation of the Polylepis forest in areas currently occupied by timber plantations. Good conservation condition of the Polylepis forest is defined by the presence of the bird Oreomanes fraseri. Based on interviews to the community, we characterized the critical factors of the forest degradation. We elaborated a talking map of presence and abundance of the bioindicator bird, delimited a surface of 50 ha around San Miguel, in which all the vegetation formations were identified, and found that nearly 50% of the área are crops and households, the rest are fragments of Polylepis forest, mixed forest with plantations, plantations and pasturelands. We defined the reference area and the most adequate area for starting the replacement of plantations with Polylepis. Interviews revealed that the principal impediments for the native forest conservation and the services it provides are its displacement by exotic species, the expansion of croplands and forest fires. Additionally, poverty is making people migrate to the city, increase agricultural pressure over soil and wanting to expand woodlands for logging. We propose the introduction of alternative economic activities, environmental education and the elimination of exotic species so the native forest can slowly recover itself.

Keywords : Altimontan; National Park Tunari; Polylepis subtusalbida; Ecological restoration; San Miguel; Cochabamba.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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