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vol.5 número2Beneficios y maleficios de los árboles para los campesinos y su rol en el arreglo de sistemas agroforestales tradicionales en el Norte de Independencia, Bolivia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Nova

versión On-line ISSN 1683-0789


RUBIO TORRES, Pablo. Una mirada a la agroforestería europea: evolución y tendencias en la península ibérica. RevActaNova. [online]. 2011, vol.5, n.2, pp.207-224. ISSN 1683-0789.

Several European ecozones -both northern and Mediterranean- join in the Iberian peninsula, making this zone diverse and a good example of the development of forests in such areas. Many forest species are resilient since they have been selected by severe, continuous environmental changes and lasting human influence. On the other hand, the ecological dynamics is largely conditioned by the situation of human societies at that time. Agroforestry began to develop during the traditional agricultural system (5.000 years ago), when the shortage of space forced the development of mixed systems to optimize resources, especially in areas of lower agricultural potential. The large tracts of Mediterranean meadows -usually used to grow livestock-  in the West are the most significant creations of agrofrestry in this area. But there were also others, such as those that combined trees with grasses, or trees with crops, including woody. The socioeconomic changes of the twentieth century radically changed the landscapes, and caused the abandonment of almost all previous agroforestry and silvopastoral practices. Currently, there are new opportunities for the implementation of mixed systems, in which the crop-trees will be orientated to have a socioeconomic impact, and environmental benefits. Some initiatives in Europe are now looking for developments of this type.

Palabras clave : silvopastoral; agroforestry; Mediterranean; dehesa; Europe; Iberian peninsula; traditional agricultural system.

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