Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776
SAN MIGUEL-SIMBRON, J L; URTEAGA-MAMANI, N A y MUNOZ-VERA, M. Total body water and body composition: Effect of the 30 minute exercise and water rehydration in high altitude permanent resident adults, La Paz-Bolivia. Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2020, vol.61, n.2, pp.33-46. ISSN 1562-6776.
Abstract Research question: What will be the body composition, the total body water, and the extra and intracellular water related to the changes aftersubmaximal exercise of30 minutes and post rehydration with puré water in permanent resident adults ofhigh altitude, La Paz, Bolivia, management 2019? Objective: To determine the body composition, the total body water, and the extra and intracellular water related to the changes after submaximal exercise of 30 minutes and post rehydration with puré water in permanent residents ofhigh altitude adults, La Paz, Bolivia, management 2019. Material and methods: The research workwas experimental, before and after, on Altitude Physiology, in 29young residents ofhigh altitude (3600 m.a.s.l.). Variables were evaluated before and after performing a 30-minute submaximal exercise test and post-exercise rehydration after consuming puré water. Dependent variables were: 1. Body composition, measured through bioelectrical impedance analysis (AIB), 2. Total body water volume, determined by AIB. 3. Extra and intracellular water evaluated by AIB and 4. Rehydration status, evaluated by post-exercise weight change, and by AIB. The independent variables were exercise through the 30-minute submaximal test and rehydration with puré water. Results: In young residents of high altitude, it is estimated that the percentage of total body water in women is decreased in relation to the reference of sea level populations. Body fat mass is greatly increased in women. The difference in basal water versus post-exercise water between men and women is not significant. The difference in water from basal extra and intracellular fluid versus post-exercise water between men and women is not significant. The difference in distance covered in 30 minutes of submaximal jogging exercise is statistically significant in favor ofmen (4424 vs. 3619 meters). The correlation of BMI and the percentage of fat mass is very low (r = 0.109). The BMI between men and women did not present a statistically significant difference (26 ± 3 vs 24 ± 3 respectively). The frequency of excess body fat evaluated byAIB is 55% in women and 0% in men. The systemic blood pressure in men (PS: 107 ±6 and PD: 73 ± 4mmHg) and in women (PS: 104 ±8 and PD: 70 ± 7mmHg), is decreased in relation to the sea level reference. Respiratory rate is increased in both men (21 ±2) and women (23 ± 3). Conclusions: The AIB method allows evaluating body composition and total body water and therefore fat mass, which was validated at altitude by the isotopic dilution reference standard method in previous studies at altitude. The submaximal trot exercise performed has demanded more from the university students studied. It is verified that in the same time the men have traveled a greater distance than the women. It is estimated that in women the body fat mass (FGM) is increased and that the excess fat (obesity) is 55%. The difference in water at baseline and post-exercise and the LEC and LIC between men and women is not significant. The BMI underestimates the frequency of obesity in this group, mainly in women. The use of nuclear techniques has allowed the analysis of deuterium to study water, body composition, and is strongly associated with similar determinations through the use of eléctrica! bioimpedance.
Palabras clave : Exercise; body water; body composition; intra and extracellular fluid; bioelectrical impedance analysis; high altitude..