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Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas

versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776


SAN MIGUEL-SIMBRON, J L. Body mass index vs bioelectrical impedance analysis in residentsat high altitude: Vision since altitude physiology. Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2019, vol.60, n.Especial, pp.33-44. ISSN 1562-6776.

Abstract RESEARCH QUESTION: What will be the body composition related to the body mass index in permanent resident adult subjects ofhigh altitude, La Paz, Bolivia, steps 2017 and 2018? OBJECTIVE: To determine the body composition and body mass index in adult subjects permanent residents ofhigh altitude, La Paz, Bolivia, 2017 and 2018 procedures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study in 109 university students. It was carried out in an urban area of the city of La Paz, at 3600 meters of altitude. A medical clinical examination was performed; measures weight, height, body mass index (BMI) (kg/height2); and the determination of body composition through the Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) method. RESULTS: It was found by BMI> 30 (body mass index value that defines obesity), that the frequency of obesity in women was 9.7% and in men 8.5%. By BIA, which defined body composition, excess fat mass was found at a frequency of 70.9% in women and in men 18.1% According to BMI reference values obtained in sea level populations, with the cut-off point greater than 30 obesity was defined. In relation to the use of the BIA, the cut-off point of excess fat was defined at a value> 30% in women and in men> 25%, according to reference values obtained in populations at sea level. The systolic blood pressure in men was 107 ± 10 and the diastolic blood pressure was 73 ± 10; the systolic in women was 100 ± 11 and the diastolic of68 ±8 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS: High-altitude resident university students presented high levels of body fat mass mainlyin university women, evaluated through the BIA method, recognized as an international standard of reference, when comparing the identification of the obesity frequency through the BMI, very low values of around 9% were shown compared to the identification of excess fat through the BIA that exceeds in women up to 7 times the frequency of permanent resident university obesity ofhigh altitude. Systemic blood pressure showed lower average values than those established at sea level. The primary prevention of risk factors, against cardiovascular disease, must be one of the main, high priority, purposes of health strategies in our context of altitude.

Palabras clave : body composition; body mass index; obesity; bioelectrical impedance analysis; high altitude.

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