Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776
CRUZ-VILLCA, M B; CRUZ-VILLCA, L y CASTEL-BELMONTE, M I. Mandibular traumatic bone cyst: case report and literature review. Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2018, vol.59, n.Especial, pp.41-45. ISSN 1562-6776.
ABSTRACT The Traumatic Bone Cyst ofthe mandible is an intraosseous cavity without an epithelial lining, considered a pseudocyst. It has received various names due to its uncertain etiology and pathogenesis, such as Traumatic Bone Cyst, Solitary Bone Cyst, Idiopathic Bone Cyst, among others. It is an asymptomatic lesion, which is often diagnosed accidentally during routine radiological examination, as a unilocular radiolucency with scalloped edges when located between the dental roots. We present a rare case of Traumatic Bone Cysts in the mandibular symphysis, identified radiologically, in a 14-year-old patient without clear history of trauma, diagnosed and successfully treated.
Palabras clave : Traumatic Bone Cyst; Haemorrhagic Bone Cyst; Simple Bone Cyst; Solitary Bone Cyst; Idiopathic Bone Cyst; Primary Bone Cyst; Single Chamber Bone Cyst.