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vol.56 número2Evaluación del grado de buena prescripción médica en 5 Hospitales Universitarios de tercer nivel de la ciudad de La Paz (Bolivia) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas

versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776


BARRON CUENCA, Jessika; AGUILAR MERCADO, Ximena  y  NAVIA BUENO, Pilar. Pesticide exposure, chronic malnutrition and genotoxic damagein children under three years. Luribay. Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2015, vol.56, n.2, pp.9-17. ISSN 1562-6776.

Objective: to assess whether exposure to pesticides and chronic malnutrition are risk factors for genotoxic damage in children under three years of age, of the municipality of Luribay, Department of La Paz. November -2008. Methods: Case study and control. 155 boys and girls were studied from eight Luribay towns, La Paz -Bolivia out of 15 involved by the Communitarian Development Program (Save the Children). A survey was applied, validated and adapted to the location in order to measure pesticide exposure, and the buccal cytome technique was applied on children for determining genotoxic damage. Results: 61% of the mothers dedicated themselves to agriculture, out of them a 33% had fumigated at least once being pregnant, and 85% did not use appropriate protective gear. 83% of the children have genotoxic damage, out of them 84% are exposed to pesticides. Non-malnourished children and exposed to pesticides with genotoxic damage reach 35%. No meaningful differences were found between the group of Non-malnourished children and exposed to pesticides with genotoxic damage and the chronic malnourished children and exposed to pesticides with genotoxic damage, (Non-malnourished p=1,00) ( chronic malnourished p=0,70). Results concerning age difference in patients with and without genotoxic damage are meaningful (p=0.05).

Palabras clave : pesticides; chronic malnutrition; buccal cytome; genotoxic damage.

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