Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776
MARTINEZ, Eddy et al. Evaluación de la eficacia de la cloroquina para el tratamiento de la malaria por Plasmodium vivax en Yacuiba, Tarija, Bolivia. Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2009, vol.54, n.1, pp.27-33. ISSN 1562-6776.
ABSTRACT We carried out an evaluation in vivo of the chloroquine efficacy for the treatment of malaria by Plasmodium vivax, in the sentinel site of Palmar Chico, Municipality of Yacuiba, Province Gran Chaco, Department of Tarija to the South of Bolivia. Sixty one patients aged between 5 and 59 years that presented monoinfection by P. vivax were included in the study. All patient received under supervision a total dose of chloroquine 25mg/kg over three days (10mg/kg on the first day; 7.5 mg/kg on the second and third days). According the standardized protocol of the PAHO/WHO, all patients were followed-up for 28 days (clinical and parasitological controls). Sixty patients completed the follow-up, none of the patients had recurrences of parasitemia or presented clinical manifestations after third day of treatment. This study showed 100% of sensibility from P. vivax to chloroquine, what justifies their permanency in the antimalarial drug policy as the most adequate drug for the treatment of the P. vivax infections in the South of Bolivia.
Palabras clave : Plasmodium vivax; malaria; antimalarial drugs; antimalarial-resistance; chloroquine; Bolivia.