Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776
NAVIA BUENO, Maria del Pilar et al. FACTORES ASOCIADOS A MIGRAÑA EN ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS DE 18 A 35 AÑOS IINSAD - UMSA. Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2006, vol.51, n.2, pp.41-51. ISSN 1562-6776.
RESEARCH QUESTION What is the prevalence of migraine and the degree of incapacity produced by this ailment, in university students between 18 and 35 years of age in the Medical School, in the year 2005? GENERAL OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of migraine and its impact by the degree of incapacity that this ailment produces, in university students between 18 and 35 years of age attending the School of Medicine during the year 2005. DESIGN Transversal study CONTEXT OR SITE The study was conducted in the School of Medicine of the "Universidad Mayor de San Andrés" by the Unit of Clinical Epidemiology - IINSAD. SAMPLE University students selected by fortuitous sampling, according to a sample size calculated with a confidence interval of 95%, power of 80%, factor of prevalence for migraine of 15%, resulting in a total of 186 patients selected with the established criteria of inclusion and exclusion METHODS A questionnaire with general data is used, in which general variables like age, sex, career are identified, as well as place of residence, time of the beginning of the disease, frequency, type of treatment used, consultation with the specialist, among others. In order to determine the incapacity produced by migraine in relation to the learning process, a validated instrument is used that really shows the estimation of incapacity in days, provoked by migraine. RESULTS We examined 212 university students of the medical school - UMSA, divided by different levels, 5.6% second year, 9.5% third, and 84.8% fifth year. This difference in proportion is due to the grade of participation of the students. Of the participants 54% were males vs. 46% females. The mean age was 24.3 years with a confidence interval of 95% (23.7 to 24.7) (IC95%). SD was 3.4 with a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 43. In the group with migraine, the statistical distribution was not different from the general average of the whole group, eliciting a normal distribution curve with a value of Shapiro Wilk of p=0.000 which shows that there does not exist a normal distribution. The circumstances that trigger the process of migraine are related to the process of evaluation or exams being with 42% the most frequent, followed by associated circumstances like stress and cold (13.6%): Other circumstances can be seen in the text of the paper. The clinical signs and the type of pain present in the patients with migraine are of the mixed type, i.e. throbbing pain and hemicraneal, on the right or left side as shown in figure 1. These results show that there exists a total average of 29.05 days of incapacity measured in three months, that the population studied loses in the various daily activities, principally in the learning process at the third level of education. The median or percentile was 50 of "7" in the scale of intensity of the pain in migraine, this scale measuring from 0 without pain to10 extreme pain. CONCLUSION The prevalence of migraine in the students is 31%, being the female sex the most affected without significant differences in age. The grade of incapacity due to migraine is 29 days out of 90, since it is impossible to carry out any activity due to the clinical characteristics and those associated with the intense pain which causes intellectual impediment to carry out specific cerebral functions.
Palabras clave : Headache; Migraine; University Students; Incapacity.