Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
versión impresa ISSN 1562-6776
PAZ PRADO, Rosario Estefanía y NAVIA BUENO, María del Pilar. Eficacia del Bloqueo Nervioso con Levobupivacaina en Comparación a Bupivacaina . Cuad. - Hosp. Clín. [online]. 2006, vol.51, n.1, pp.33-43. ISSN 1562-6776.
Research question Will the clinical effectiveness of Levobupivacaine be better than the produced one for Bupivacaine? Objectives Evaluate in the field of the clinical anestesiologist the effectiveness of Levobupivacaine in peridural and spinal space in comparison to Bupivacaine. Design A clinical essay to blind double. Place University Hospital of Clinics, Hospital of the Boy, Military Hospital COSSMIL and Woman's Hospital from the city of La Paz, among 2002-2003. Participants Subjected patients ASA 1 and 2 to surgery Methods Patients divided in four groups. First group with Levobupivacaine 0,5-0,75% and Bupivacaine 0,5%. Second group with Levobupivacaine and Bupivacaine to 0,5%. Third group with Levobupivacaine and Bupivacaine to 0,375%. Fourth group with Levobupivacaine weighed 0,75% and Bupivacaine weighed to 0,5%. In perine surgeries, Caesarean operation, abdomen and inferior extremities. Results Total 258 patients. In Sub-group D and F smaller grade of blockade motor was obtained (grade 1 in 37% and null 65%) bigger analgesic duration (7 hours) and bigger quality of sensitive blockade. In the Sub-group H smaller time of latency (22 seconds +10.3). No group presented colateral goods of importance clínica. The hemodynamic changes were minimum in those that received Levobupivacaine. The Reduction of the Relative Risk, of the Attributable Risk and the Necessary Number to Try in favor of Levobupivacaína in peridural and spinal anesthesia. Conclusion The time average of latency and grade of blockade motor were smaller in patients who recived Levobupivacaine. The level and quality of sensitive blockade, the quality and duration of analgesia were bigger with Levobupivacaine in peridural and spinal anesthesia. They were not identified colateral effects of clinical importance in none of the study groups. Levobupivacaine offers bigger effectiveness in comparison to Bupivacaine.
Palabras clave : Bupivacaína; Levobupivacaína; surgery; comparison; epidural anesthetizes; spinal anesthetizes; effectiveness.