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Ecología en Bolivia

versión impresa ISSN 1605-2528versión On-line ISSN 2075-5023


FLORES-CHOQUEHUANCA, Thalia; MAIDANA-TUCO, Yamil; LAFUENTE CARTAGENA, Indyra  y  ZEGADA HERBAS, Leslie. Composition of entomofauna present in five cocoa production systems (Theobroma cacao, Malvaceae) and its relationship with environmental variables. Ecología en Bolivia [online]. 2024, vol.59, n.2, pp.53-70.  Epub 31-Sep-2024. ISSN 1605-2528.

The environmental conditions offered by the different cocoa (Theobroma cacao, Malvaceae) production systems could determine the diversity of the entomofauna they host. The abundance, richness, dominance and diversity index of entomofauna present in six treatments were evaluated: fallow, successional agroforestry, organic agroforestry, conventional agroforestry, conventional monoculture and organic monoculture, in cocoa produced in Alto Beni, La Paz, Bolivia. Thus, the relationship of this entomofauna with the environmental variables of each case was also evaluated. Sample collection was carried out in two varieties of cocoa (IIa22 and TSH-565) with the three-color pan trap sampling method. As a result, twelve orders of insects were captured, the most representative being Hemiptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera. The variety of cocoa did not show significance in the composition of the entomofauna, however the treatment did have an effect with the abundance, but not with the richness, dominance and diversity index. None of the environmental variables was related to abundance, however, richness had a positive relationship with the percentage of open flowers, likewise both dominance and the diversity index showed a negative relationship with the percentage of decomposing fruits. And the canopy illumination index variable (Category 3) showed a negative relationship with the diversity index. This study shows that the type of treatment influences the population dynamics of the entomofauna according to the available resources, therefore, understanding these dynamics could favor better management of the crop.

Palabras clave : Cacao; Crop; Diversity; Insect fauna; pan traps.

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